18 Surprising Ways Journaling Makes You Healthier and Happier

journaling benefits for heathier body and happier mind

Journaling. I really had no idea the role it can play in making us healthier and happier. Writing can be really powerful for healing, growth, and transformation!

I’m not a natural journaler, and I marvel at friends who have notebooks filled with thoughts, insights and even prayers. I’ve been through seasons where I’ve tried. Quite frankly, I’m really too impatient to spend time long-handing out my thoughts and often I really don’t care to see some of them in writing. But lately, I’ve been challenging myself to rethink my view of journaling and adapt it to a style that fits me. Here’s a few things I’m noticing about the benefits of writing:

1- Frees up mind space – Instead of spending more mental energy remembering my grocery or to do list (or even significant dreams I’ve had), once it’s written down, I can be free to creatively think, reflect on, or problem solve…even just let my thoughts be still. That’s a stress reducer!

2- Improves productivity – As I write down specific goals for the day (week or month), I’m realizing how much more I can accomplish. It gives me an outline and solidifies a specific plan, which helps guide and direct my days. Though it’s the same things turning in my mind, there is something to putting it down and seeing it written out on paper that helps with focus, not to mention determination and motivation!

3- Identifies patterns – Yeah! Those thoughts I didn’t care to see in writing? Nailed it. Those are the thoughts that needed to change. The ones I need to catch quickly, so that I can refocus and redirect my thoughts back to what is true and authentic, lovely, peaceful, pure, kind, gracious, and excellent.

4- Processes and records life – This has become very real, as I’m putting the final edits on my first book. While I’ve written in more detail about my own health journey, it’s brought the realization of how far I have come, how much I’ve learned, and how my life has been transformed. Writing about some really difficult seasons of my life has been very therapeutic. I’ve been able to not only record the story of the healing process, but also the lessons learned to help others. Putting all the pieces together has helped bring closer to this chapter of my life. The ending helps reframe and bring a new gratitude to painful situations. At the same time, it shines a new light of satisfaction and reward on perseverance …and the excitement of new beginnings.

Documented benefits for a healthier body and happier mind

Research also shows journaling helps you:

5- Sleep deeper and better
6- Heal faster (even wound healing!)
7- Slow your thoughts and bring clarity
8- Organize ideas, thoughts, and beliefs
9- Build self-awareness

…and this is just a short list! Be looking next week for more journaling benefits and 5 tips for Writing for a Healthier and Happier Life —secrets I’ve discovered to help convert non-journalers!

Writing for a Healthier and Happier Life

way writing benefits body mind spirit

4-weeks in to my journaling challenge, it’s getting easier. Sometimes I’m amazed that I’m writing more, actually beginning to enjoy it, and surprised by the new thoughts that are coming as I write. Beyond the few perks, I’ve already mentioned in part 1, here are more of my discoveries about writing for a healthier and happier life:

10- Increases clarity – Just seeing thoughts, to-do’s, goals, and dreams in writing puts things in perspective. It helps organize thoughts, steps in a process or what to do next on the path towards a goal.

11- Solidifies vision – This really helps with long-term goals, whether it’s personal, relational, business or health goals. When you’re in the middle of a long journey, re-reading the original vision refreshes and renews the passion and dreams that can get weary or rusty in the process. More specifically, it helps us tune in and stay focused. Often our vision is too vague, but the more detailed and clear we can get, the more we can see it. This will help bring that dream to life, making it real and keeping us motivated, especially when things aren’t easy.

12- Improves learning and memory – Again, I’m seeing when I slow down to capture my thoughts, it helps me remember and solidify new information and concepts. I always think, “I can remember this.” But, that’s really not the case and i quickly forget. But more than that, writing the thoughts down makes them much easier to review…and continue pondering for deeper meaning.

13- Sets us up for a new stream of considerations – I’m noticing journaling slows my thoughts and allows me to tune in to and reflect on a fresh flow. It helps me tap into a new stream of ideas, inspirations and concepts that had I not slowed for, I would have missed entirely. I’ve especially been able to capture more insights from dreams as I write and see the happenings of the dream in word form. Really fascinating!

More Research to Encourage Writing for Health

14- Expresses and releases toxic, painful emotions
15- Helps shift mental focus and perceptions
16- Reduces anxiety and depression
17- Improves symptoms of IBS, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and state of mind in those dealing with Parkinson’s and cancer
18- Aids recovery from childhood sexual abuse, postpartum depression and post-traumatic stress disorder

I invite you, my other non-journaling friends, to join me on this challenge. These ideas have really helped me get going:

  • Use a journal or notebook that fits you–colorful to make you smile, classy to capture your life, small so you can keep it handy, etc.
  • Find pen(s) you love–color keeps me more engaged and makes me happy
  • Jot down some bullet points
    • Things you’re thankful for
    • Meaningful (or rough) moments during the day
    • Feelings
    • Goals
    • Dreams
    • Prayers
    • Inspirational thoughts
    • Insights
    • and so much more…
  • Don’t get overwhelmed by pressures of traditional journaling to write full, complete, punctuated sentences. Just start getting your thoughts out there. You might just be surprised that sometimes full sentences just start coming…rather easily.
  • Any form of documenting and written expression helps! I love my Notes app on my phone, but I’m discovering “they” are right. Writing by hand is especially helpful for learning, as it sends signals between the hands and brain to build motor memory. Don’t worry, I’m not giving up my app just yet! So, if it helps you get started, go for it!

Are you an expert journaler? I’d love to hear your stories!

…and please do share the helpful, healthful tips with friends and family.



I Can See Clearly Now the Rain is Gone

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright, bright
Sun-Shiny day

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I’ve been prayin’ for
It’s gonna be a bright, bright
Sun-Shiny day

Look all around, there’s nothin’ but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin’ but blue skies

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright, bright
Sun-Shiny day


Written by Kenneth Gamble, Leon Huff • Copyright © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

Do you see the beauty?

The spring elegance of March continues to leave me in awe! The blossom-fragrant air, the gentle, refreshing breezes, the seemingly happier song birds and all of the beautifully-colored flowers…everywhere!

Nutrition: the act or process of nourishing or of being nourished.

As National Nutrition Month continues, I want to celebrate a different aspect of nutrition, adding a little soul-food to nourish and inspire the mind and heart. Just as our food choices and caring for our physical bodies is vital, so we must also tend to our hearts and minds…sometimes even more so, as this is the core of who we are and an essential component of our well-being. So, enjoy and be refreshed ….


Yesterday I took a much-needed walk to unwind and clear my thoughts. I was thoroughly enjoying the orange blossoms, the very green grass and my other favorite “pom-pom” tree with its round, yellow, fluff-ball flowers and heavenly fragrance. I couldn’t help but notice all of the bright pops of color all around me. A newly budding magenta and yellow lantana really caught my attention. It literally looked like confetti popping and exploding its colorful cheeriness everywhere. Around the next corner, the bougainvillea practically glowed with color as they were blanketed in flowers. The sun highlighted the delicate salmon-colored petals of one as it sat just in front of its dark, burgundy-flowered cousin. The color contrast was simply breathtaking. I couldn’t help but think, “It’s time for your life to pop with color!” Yes! It’s your time too. It’s time for the dismal, dry desert places of our lives to come to life with hope and newness, leaving the last season behind.

Pondering the beauty and meaning of that phrase not only brings much hope and refreshment, but also a powerful lesson: “Eyes that focus on what is beautiful bring joy to the heart.”

Wow. Think on that for a minute: Eyes that focus on what is beautiful bring joy to the heart.

How often do I either get in such a rush that I forget to look for and stop to enjoy the beauty all around me? OR even worse, how often do I choose to focus on what’s wrong, not-going-as-I-would-like, negative, “dark” and lifeless?! Can you relate?! And what’s the result of that focus? You got it. It brings on more negativity, darkness, lack of interest, heaviness, irritability, fatigue, jealousy and frustration, just to name a few. It tends to shut us down and can easily lead to darker, unhappy places.

But what happens when we choose instead to look for beauty—and to look for the good?? It brings joy. It cheers us up. It brings hope. It brings enjoyment. It brings peace. It settles the heart and makes it thankful. It redirects our thoughts and even perpetuates more goodness and joy, as we have shifted our focus. It opens us up to creativity, sharing, giving and looking for more good.

Will you join me? Let’s use the fresh loveliness of this season to speak to and cheer our hearts. Let the brand new life springing up around you be a reminder that seasons of life change. Be looking for the bright colors to spring up into the barren places of your life. It’s time to see and experience the vibrancy. Finally, choose with me to focus and look for the beauty and good in these days where chaos and pressure is often all around us. I know we’ll be happier and more grateful that we did…and even our bodies will enjoy the calming, healing effects.