Chocolate…Let me Count the Ways I Love Thee

Chocolate. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…
Here are a few quick chocolate fixes that can help you keep it innocent and guilt-free. These low-sugar, sugar-free and even naturally sweetened chocolates just scratch the surface of your options for nibbling and baking.

Divine Chocolate: 70% Dark Chocolate
Sugars: 11g sugar/ 42g (1/2 bar)
Fiber: 5g

Divine Chocolate:  85% Dark Chocolate
Sugars: 6g sugar/ 42g (1/2 bar)
Fiber: 6g
(be sure to look for the various percentages in baking bars, powders and chocolate chips!)

Lily’s Dark Chocolate with Almonds:
55% Cocoa, No Sugar Added
Stevia and Erythritol: 5g (1/2 bar)
Fiber: 11g
(available in mini chocolate chips and baking bar)

Simply Lite Dark Chocolate (Trader Joe’s)
50% Cocoa, No Sugar Added
Maltitol: 11g (1/4 bar)
Fiber: 3g
(comes in dark chocolate with almonds too)

Heavenly Organics: Peanut Chocolate Honey Pattie
100% dark chocolate, No Sugar Added
Raw white honey: 4g (11g treat)
Fiber: 2g
(comes in mint chocolate too…individual or “bar” servings)









Available at most natural markets and Trader Joe’s.

Oatmeal Raisin Spice Cookies

Comfort cookies…even without the chocolate. Delicious for all ages! Gluten, dairy, egg and refined sugar free!

Oatmeal Raisin Spice Cookies

2/3 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup golden flax seed
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup brown coconut sugar
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8+ tsp cloves
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp xanthan gum*
1/3 cup raisins
1/4 cup almond milk (vanilla, unsweetened)
1/4 cup raw honey
2 Tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla


Preheat oven to 375°. Combine all dry ingredients in small mixing bowl. Add almond milk, honey, oil and vanilla. Stir until mixed.
Drop by spoonful on stainless steel cookie sheet, flattening and shaping slightly.
Bake 7 minutes, then let set about 10 minutes.
Store in air-tight container.

*keeps cookies from being crumbly

Makes 14 cookies.

Veg Perspective

size shape texture of vegetablesThis. Changes. Everything.

Size, shape and texture can make ALL the difference. Here’s a perfect example. It makes veggies go down much better and also adds a lot of fun variety!

Slivers – shred veggies to top salads or even add to soups

Ribbons – peel or mandolin into very thin strips for a “fettuccine” vegetable, top with sauces as a pasta replacement or  layer into baked veggie dishes (think lasagne or enchiladas), stir fry, steam and use as a “bed” for chicken or fish

Spears – cut into wedges to use with your favorite dips, spreads or hummus, bake or even stir fry

Waves – slice into thin, thick or wavy circles or ovals to make a side veggie, grilled kabobs, dipping discs, soups and more

Spirals – great for angel hair replacement, Asian “noodle soups,” raw salad toppers or a artistic side dish


Be creative. The possibilities are endless!

Sipping Coffee and Lattes–Innocent Style

Hot Peppermint Mochas, Pumpkin Spice, Eggnog and Chestnut Praline Lattes certainly are blissful, winter treats, but too many in the hustle, bustle and joy can be a bit rough on the waistline, immune system and the body in general (think sugar load and artificial flavorings.)

Try making a delicious cleaner, lighter, wintery-blend version with these simple ideas:

–Home coffee makers are coming out with some ingenius designs, easy-to-use and affordable for some fancy drink brews
–Use flavored coffee beans*, grinds or spice your own with: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg or even cocoa powder
–Add a natural sweetener of choice
–Add a flavor extract from an organic, natural flavor company
–Froth adds an elegant, nostalgic touch, with its fluffy topping and creamy sipping
–Pick an unsweetened milk alternative for a velvety drink


Here are a couple of my coffee essentials:

KAL stevia and Coconut sugar (especially with spiced coffees!)

(I combine unsweetened, vanilla Almond milk with unsweetened Coconut milk about 3:1)

Aerolatte and Ninja











*Some brands are a bit cleaner than others. Use caution and read labels if requiring a gluten-free lifestyle.

Mini Pecan Pies

This may be one of the easiest desserts…ever! These Mini Pecan Pies work great for parties, appetizers, snacks or quick desserts. Like the real pie, they are just like candy!

Mini Pecan Pies

Choose Medjool dates.
Slice open and pit date, checking for any “bad dates.”
Fill halves or stuff the whole dates with pecans (or even walnuts!).
Sprinkle with cinnamon for a little seasonal spice.











Naturally gluten, dairy, refined sugar free.

Cranberry Orange Muffins

One of my all time holiday season, breakfast favorites!!! Bursting with flavor, beautifully colorful and slightly sweet! …and still innocent! Perfect for the season. Enjoy!

½ cup golden flax
⅓ cup coconut flour
1¼ cup gluten free flour blend (choose a high fiber brand)
½ cup xylitol
½ tsp KAL stevia*
½ tsp sea salt
1 Tbsp + 2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp xanthan gum
2 eggs, beaten
2½ Tbsp applesauce (unsweetened)
¼ cup coconut oil
1 medium orange, peeled, seeded, and pureed
1 Tbsp orange zest
1 tsp vanilla
⅔ cup almond milk (unsweetened, vanilla)
3 Tbsp raw honey
1½ cups fresh cranberries,** sorted, rinsed, drained and chopped

Combine dry ingredients in a medium bowl. Combine all remaining wet ingredients with dry and stir (except cranberries). Gently fold in chopped cranberries. Scoop into lightly greased muffin pan. Bake at 350° about 28-30 minutes.

Makes 12 muffins

* Amount may vary by brand

** To prevent “pink, red or purple” muffins, chop hard-frozen cranberries immediately before folding into batter

Peanut Butter Party Dip

peanut-butter-party-dipPerfect to balance out your family and holiday gatherings this season … deliciously guilty and naturally innocent to go right alongside any party food. Easy enough for everyday, yet fancy for a party.

Peanut Butter Party Dip

2/3 cup plain, unsweetened organic Greek yogurt, fat free
6 Tbsp natural peanut butter
3 Tbsp raw honey*
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon**

Combine all ingredients in small bowl and stir until smooth.
Serve dip with your choice of apples, bananas and berries or even graham or animal crackers, even celery.

**mini dark chocolate or stevia sweetened chocolate chips are another fun option.

*stevia can replace honey if you prefer a lower glycemic snack


Pass on the goodness and share it with a friend!

Apple Art Treats

apple art edible treats

The delicious possibilities are endless!

  • Thinly slice apples
  • Decide on seasonal mini cookie cutter designs
  • Cut apple shapes
  • Dip cut shapes in a mixture of 1 part lemon juice to 3 parts water. Drain dry on paper towel.
  • Munch on the goodness

Here are a few fun ideas…for kids of all ages:

  • Fill snack bags
  • Mix with trail mix
  • Sprinkle on salads for a festive touch
  • Add to oatmeal or whole grain cereals
  • Sandwich nut butter between 2 apple layers
  • Dust with cinnamon


*add peels and trimmings to a smoothie




Fun idea?? Share it with a friend!

Coconut Almond Drops

coconut-almond-drops-recipeTry these super easy, innocently sweet and deliciously satisfying gluten, dairy, sugar free treats:

Coconut Almond Drops

2 c coconut flakes, unsweetened
2 c almonds, ground into meal/flour
6 Tbsp raw honey, maple syrup or agave
6-8 Tbsp coconut oil
2 tsp vanilla (or almond extract)
Sea salt (~1/16-1/8 tsp)

Blend coconut, almond meal and sea salt in food processor until light and fluffy. Overbeating will make it oily. Blend in sweetener, oil and vanilla until desired consistency. Drop by spoonfuls on cookie sheet and shape into balls. Roll in coconut, top with chocolate chips or even sprinkle with cocoa, cinnamon, or top with other dried fruit.

Makes about 32.

Share the sweetness with a friend!

Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream

pumpkin-pie-ice-cream-dairy-free-sugar-freeWhoo-hoo! Pumpkin spice season is here…and can stay!  Check out this no-guilt comfort treat…and it’s dairy free and sugar free too!

1 cup pumpkin, frozen to “slushy”*
1 ½ tsp pumpkin pie spice
2 scoops KAL Stevia extract powder**
2 Tbsp coconut sugar
2 Tbsp cashew butter
¼ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp ginger
Pinch sea salt
Pinch cloves
1 cup coconut milk, frozen into ice cubes

Blend all in high-powered blender until well blended and very thick, ice cream texture. Left overs can be frozen into popsicles for kids of all ages.

Makes 3 cups


* the colder the ingredients the better the ice cream consistency will be
**use scoop that comes in sweetener bottle