End of 2016 Specials

Get a head start on making 2017 the Healthiest Year Yet for you, a friend or family member!


3-part collection “How to Make Healthy Daily Doable and Delicious”:
$14 ($36 value)

Part 1-3:
$4.80 ($12 value)

Nutrition Coaching Sessions

Single Coaching Session- includes free eBook collection
$90 ($125 value) – coupon code: joycb

Lifestyle Coaching Package – 3 sessions- includes free eBook collection
$235 ($305 value) – coupon code: joy3eb





pricing effective through 12/31/16
coaching sessions based on individual rates (couples or groups slightly extra)
session rates must be prepaid and applicable for openings beginning Jan 9, 2017
(Some timing exceptions may apply. Contact us for questions.)

Sweet Holiday Bytes

…and Just. Like. That. We’re in the final countdown to Christmas (and Hanukkah) and very likely the busiest holiday travel, shopping  (and wrapping), cleaning, cooking, baking and eating week! Umm… where in the world did December go? If you’re like me, you might be feeling just a bit behind schedule, with many things still to tie up and wishfully finish on your lists.

SO grab a cup of your favorite drink, sit back beside the fire (real or e-fireplace), put your feet up, take a deep breath and refocus for your week ahead and add in a couple more of these ideas to make this a feel-good, meaningful, fun week…with a strong finish to 2016.

(Catch Trimming You this Holiday Season here if you missed Part 1.)

10- Stay hydrated. This will help keep hunger cues from being confused with thirst cues and will keep you feeling a bit more full and satisfied, not to mention sharper, more focused and energized throughout the holidays and parties.

11- Add to the party. If you can, take a “healthy version” dish or snack to contribute to the spread. Share the goodness and know you will have a good option to enjoy.

12- Hide the goodies. Yes, I know you know where they are, but still, out of sight or in the freezer does slow down the nibbles, compared to constantly seeing them out on the counter, in the cookie jar or candy bowl.

13- Design your own coffees. Peppermint mochas and eggnog lattes are loaded with sugar. Home coffee makers are coming out with brilliant, easy and affordable designs. Use flavored coffee beans, grinds or spice up your own. Add a natural sweetener of choice and froth an unsweetened milk alternative for a heavenly (and virtually no calorie) spa for your insides.

14- Slow down. The December calendar can easily be overloaded with programs, concerts, parties, shopping, traditions, time with family and friends and a host of other special events. You don’t have to get caught up in chaotic schedules. Choose the events that are most important. Simplify traditions. Be creative. Decorations can be just as beautiful and meals just as delicious simply done. Your friends and family will likely appreciate the reduced pressures too.

15- Enjoy the season. Sure. Go ahead and indulge in a piece of pumpkin pie, a couple gingerbread cookies or whatever your favorite goodies may be. Savor the memories, traditions and those special times with those you hold dear. Choose reasonable portions. Sit down and be “in the moment” with it, love every bite, and don’t feel guilty!

16- Celebrate your victories. Focus on the progress you do make in the season. Whether it’s maintaining a bit of an exercise routine, trying new recipes, reducing sweet beverages or avoiding the extra holiday pounds, congratulate yourself! Remember, every single step forward counts!


Wishing you and yours the Merriest Christmas, or maybe a Happy Hanukkah, as you celebrate the season of Light, Hope, Miracles, Peace, Love, Joy and Promises fulfilled.


Trimming You This Holiday Season

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Definitely one of my favorite seasons with the lights, the nostalgia, time with family and friends, warm fires, crisp, cool air, dreams of “White Christmases,” cozy fires, candles, (did I mention I love the lights?!), rich colors and of course, fabulous flavors! From mid-November through the first week of the January bowl games, it can be one big, on-going, holiday party! Within our extended family, we have 4 birthdays, in addition to Thanksgiving, at least 2 Christmases and that doesn’t even consider any of the other fun seasonal parties, get-togethers and shopping sprees with all my favorite seasonal flavors, coffees and the goodies that are more easily and abundantly available. SO, what do holidays look like when living a “lifestyle” of health? How can you survive the season without fluffing up and requiring a crash course  recovery come January 2nd? Here are the secrets I’ve learned to help you make this the most enjoyable, healthful December!

1- Start now. It doesn’t matter where we are in the season. Start today and start reaping the benefits. It’s not too late and sometimes tomorrow doesn’t seem to show up.

2- Be realistic. There’s no need to plan weight loss from November to December, just plan to maintain not gain.

3- Eat breakfast.  Skipping meals typically sets you up to fail later in the day, making you more hungry and more likely to make impulsive food choices and to fill up on the abundant holiday treats.  Plus, it’s a perfect time to fit in green smoothies to help balance out what choices come later in the day.

4- Stay active. The gym routine, walk or jog may be shortened, but some is still better than none. It’s the perfect time of year to enjoy a brisk walk, look at lights, try ice skating, or do a short, home workout.

5- Plan ahead. If you know you’re going to a party, balance the rest of your day’s eating accordingly…eat lighter and more plant-focused and nutrient-dense before the event. Limit yourself to a single trip through the food line or even have a snack, green smoothie, veggie plate or salad before you go, to reduce the party munchies.

6- Sip wisely. Lattes, hot chocolate, cider and party drinks are usually loaded with empty calories and little nutritional value.  This can easily lead to weight gain, especially when paired with all the other holiday goodies. Sweeten drinks with stevia or honey, choose sparkling waters and pick your favorite indulgent drinks in moderation.

7- Try new recipes. Look for simple recipes with endless possibilities on social media. Just a few simple modifications can tweak your favorites into more healthful delicious-ness, while experimenting with a few new ingredients can hook you on some new favorites!

8- Make and freeze ahead. It’s the perfect season to make a big pot of veggie or bean-based soups or meals and freeze for a quick, nourishing meal to serve in the time-crunches later in the month.

9- Be still. In the midst of the bustle, take a few minutes to just slow down and unwind.  The holidays can be very busy and stressful.  Light candles and decorative lights, listen to Christmas music and just “be” to clear your mind, think, refocus, relax and even ponder the real meaning of the season.

Wherever you may be and whatever the season of your life may be, choose to make this your best season yet! Marvel at the beauty, ponder the significance and savor the Goodness of the Season.


Watch for Part 2 with more tips next week …and be sure to pass the secrets on to a friend!


Give Thanks Always – Here’s Why

why-give-thanks“Where you are, Just as you are.” The article title from Chip and Joanna Gaines debut Magnolia Journal magazine jumped off the page, as I was standing in line for Thanksgiving groceries. So many times in our American abundance, instant technology replies and social media comparisons, it’s so easy to think that the greener pastures are on the other side of the fence, just beyond our reach. We’ll be happier when we have… That perfect job. A promotion. A new house. A baby. The end of toddler days. The kids to graduate. Prince (or Princess) Charming. Better health. A healing. A raise. Retirement. That finished project. A new ________ (fill in the blank.)

Why is that?! If you’re at all like me (and I’m guessing I’m not alone), so often I’m in a rush for the next thing, that I miss all the beauty, the blessings, the joy, the life around me.

This year has given me a unique opportunity to slow down a bit, shift gears and just…Be. It has gone nothing as I had planned or anticipated, BUT, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The chance to get off the hamster wheel of life, to rest, to enjoy family, to enjoy longtime and new friends, to explore new ventures and new interests, to cut out things that I’ve either outgrown or were no longer “bearing fruit,” to grow personally and spiritually have been…nothing other than amazing.

Yes, I’ve had my days, tempted to stay stuck in pity parties. But, I choose joy. The truth is, seasons change. I can feel this one coming to an end, and I want to squeeze every drop of goodness out of this season of blessings, lessons, growth, rest and newness.

Let me encourage you today. Holidays often can be tough for many: missing dear ones who have passed on, relocations and other continuous life changes. But stop and look around. Don’t forget all the blessings you have right here, right now. Today. And for the dailies, don’t spend your days wishing them away for something that is to come. It will come in time. Gather the lessons of the season. Rest. Be stretched. Grow in this time. Make moments and memories. Don’t miss the precious times you have right now. Because, yes, my dear, things will change.

So on this week to focus on giving thanks, try it out. The benefits are rich! SO incredible, in fact, gratitude just might become a new, life-changing, every day tradition you embrace and anticipate. Check out how Thanks-giving benefits your body, all documented by research:

  • Gives an overall feeling and sense of being healthier
  • Stimulates better health habits and taking better care of the body – exercise and eating well
  • Lowers stress, even dropping cortisol levels by 23%
  • Protects the heart, decreasing blood pressure and heart rate variability
  • Boosts immune system
  • Reduces aches and pains
  • Improves sleep—deeper and longer (spend just 15 minutes focusing on some “thanks” before bed)
  • Promotes happiness
  • Lowers depression
  • Replaces toxic emotions (envy, retaliation, frustration, regret)
  • Inspires more sensitivity and compassion toward others
  • Builds relationships and opens doors for communication
  • Boosts self-esteem (in athletes this is essential for optimal performance)
  • Reduces “comparing to others”
  • Helps overcome trauma (war vets and 9/11)
  • Encourages optimistic outlook
  • Enhances satisfaction in life
  • Impacts brain structure
  • Shifts your focus from “things” to “people”
(Reviewed and summarized from Psychology Today – April 2015 and Harvard Medical School’s Mental Health Letter- Nov 2011. Full references available upon request.)

SO tell me, what are you thankful for? Leave a comment below. Can’t wait to hear your list!

5 Lessons from the Garden – Part 2

I’m still amazed by the depth of these seemingly simply little “life-lessons” from the garden. Wow! If we can simply keep them at the front of our minds and walk them out, they are life-changing! Hope you find them encouraging wherever you are at in your “dailies,” as we continue from last week. Catch Part 1 here if you missed it.lessons-from-the-garden


3- Keep the cats out! –Some messes and distractions that come along in life just aren’t worth it! Some events, opportunities, appointments, even people. You name it – They can be toxic as they come into your space and ‘dump their mess.’ They may be good, well-intentioned and even super cute…and sometimes deceivingly so! But, see them for what they are. Either be OK with cleaning up the mess they bring because it’s worth it to you OR choose to make and keep a mess-free, clean “space” by restricting them from your “garden.” (For the record, I’m not anti-cat. I simply don’t have one and don’t want the responsibility to clean up regularly after someone else’s.)

4- Plant seeds! And most are very small! But don’t let the size be deceiving. They hold a TON of potential to produce a large harvest. The same with seeds in our life. Seeds of hope, new ideas, and dreams come to us in seed form. Most of them can seem small, maybe insignificant at first, and sometimes even our hopes start out as a very tiny glimmer. BUT, as they get planted, watered, cultivated and protected, they grow and develop…taking root and beginning to produce. Rarely do they come or start by accident, but it takes time, intention, tending, nurturing, developing. Just like the garden!

5- Give it time! – A crop requires a lot of work and TIME! I’d really rather have an instant fix and instant results. We live in a fast-paced technology, microwave, fast-food, 140-character-Twitter culture… but (sadly!) that’s just not how it works. This is such a good reminder, especially for me, when I get in a hurry and am very impatient! So much happens in the “process”…character development, skill development, stretching, roots go deep and solidify the “structure,” new ideas, new pathways and SO much more! Sometimes we can’t even see or understand what’s actually happening in the growth process until much later. Then…WOW! Look what has grown and even multiplied into being! Keep waiting; trust the process is doing good things and will bring great results!


So tell me about your garden! Any “cats” you need to keep out of your garden?? What seeds do you want to plant? What seeds need a little extra tending in your life? Where do you need to relax, take a deep breath, be patient and let the “process” have its way?

Be sure to share with a friend today who needs these little reminders!

Happy Gardening!

5 Lessons from the Garden – Part 1

lessons-from-the-gardenFall! It’s finally (mostly!) here! Don’t you just love the change of seasons?!  After the long HOT AZ summer months, I’m LOVING being back outside. AND it’s finally time to plant the garden! I certainly don’t claim to have a green thumb just yet, but I’m working on it and learning a ton in the process! It truly amazes me how our great-grandparents could survive growing the majority of their own food! What a lot of hard work. TOTALLY worth it with the flavor and nutrient quality; in fact, I’m spoiled! But I’m still surprised every season by what it takes to make a thriving garden!

More than just the fresh air, free (sweat) sauna and the excitement and anticipation of fresh produce, gardening always makes me ponder life. The parallels and visuals between the two are so incredible! Let me share just a couple I’ve been contemplating (and living out!) over the last few days and months…and how they can affect many areas of our lives!

1- Clean out the old season! – To make room for the new plants and new life requires ripping out last season’s plants, digging up old roots, and preparing for the new. SO true! So many times before we can move into new jobs, relationships, projects and adventures, we have to clean out from the last season: things we no longer need (clutter, files, equipment, books, clothes, etc.—cleaning our offices, storage room, garage, closets, pantry, kids rooms). It doesn’t just stop there, but also means letting go of past disappointments, regrets, guilt, resentment, comfort (oh my!), and sometimes even relationships and jobs. It’s those things that clutter our lives or no longer serve us and that will only hinder us and keep up from moving into the “new.” It’s amazing how deep and how big the roots can grow beneath the surface. Leaving them there will simply choke out the room and life of new plants trying to grow and be established in their place.

2- Prepare and re-nourish the soil – Healthy garden growth and nutrient-dense produce needs to grow in good, rich soil that can nourish the seeds and allow for good water drainage. Sometimes we get wiped out from our last season or we’re just not quite prepared for the new to come into place. Either way, it often takes time, effort or focus to get ready to go into a ‘new’ season. It can mean re-nourishing our body, soul and spirit, resting and recharging to be re-energized to focus on new projects, ideas or assignments. Sometimes, it’s even healing, recovering and softening from life’s circumstances, events or even traumas we’ve just lived through. Once replenished, it makes for an easier, more productive and healthy new season and harvest.

So tell me about your garden! What are you planting? What needs to come out of your life before you can move into your new season? What the state of your “soil”??…What kind of tending and TLC does it need to be ready for the “new”?

Seasons are usually for a window of time! Take advantage of it…and look for Part 2 next week.

Share these tips with a friend and “get ready” together!


12 Secrets to Living Your Healthiest Year Yet – #12 Give

give 12 Secrets to Living Your Healthiest Year Yet – #12You were made for a purpose!  Part of this includes giving to others the gifts, talents, personality, perspectives, style, humor, wisdom, gems and resources that have been placed and grown within you from life experiences, education and training, as well as genetics and Divine Design.  These were not meant just for you, but to be shared and poured out to enrich the lives of others.  Blessings will flow and result in a life of fulfillment beyond your imagination!

12 Secrets to Living Your Healthiest Year Yet – #10 Listen

Listen 12 secrets to living your healthiest year yet

Pay attention to what you’re listening to.  The power of music and sound has an incredible impact on the body, with an amazing ability to heal and refresh.  Make a conscious effort to listen to music, stop and hear the beauty of nature, be still and hear the quietness … or even try singing! When used appropriately, you’ll be in awe at the balancing and healing you experience!