“News” and Gifts for a Sweet December

How is it possibly almost mid-December…already?! We’ve quickly shifted our thinking from “Thanksgiving” and counting our blessings to full-on holiday mode. This year, I’m focusing on continuing the gratitude and starting early with reviewing my year – what worked, what didn’t…and what and where do I want to redirect and focus for 2019.

As this update is long overdue, I wanted to take time to reconnect with you and share where Innocent Indulgence has been and give you a sneak peek at what’s next.  But more than that, in the “news” I want to share some of my year’s “life gems,” the amazing gifts I have experienced this year. As I share these “gifts,” I hope you too can take these ideas and be encouraged and motivated to enjoy them for yourself as we finish out 2018. Make this holiday season extra special and memorable and get ready for 2019—so it can be your best year yet!

1-      Diversifying, Expanding and Refocusing

Though there is comfort in routine, I do much better with opportunities that allow creativity and diversity. Over the last several months I’ve added some incredible opportunities and experiences to share my passion for health and bring healing through nutrition. With them came a renewed interest and focus on education…and expanding into creative ways to guide people into experiencing better health, whether it be recovery, healing or prevention.  2018 included the following new adventures:

  • Addiction recovery nutrition classes – though my life (and my family’s) has been touched by others’ addictions for many years, I had never actually considered the impact and importance of nutrition on recovery. The last 15 months allowed me to develop a repeating 10-week, hands-on nutrition program and work with some incredible people to bring hope, help, relief, recovery…and better health to those struggling with addictions! This is an area I never would have considered, but I thoroughly enjoyed this unique niche with the opportunity to use food as therapy and a creative healing modality. I look forward to sharing more to help individuals and families with this topic in the near future.
  • Clinical nutrition with an internal medicine practice – Working with a medical team that emphasizes nutrition as an essential piece to health and well-being has been extremely rewarding. Seeing so many patients finally getting real results for long-time health challenges thrills my heart. Digestive concerns, moods (depression and anxiety), energy levels, high blood sugars/diabetes, high cholesterol, skin conditions, inflammation, aches and pains, allergies, and weight issues are improving significantly and, in many cases, even being resolved…through simple lifestyle changes. I get so excited each time I see such big results, usually quickly, coming from simple changes.

Note: Looking for an MD in the East Valley? Check out Maready Medical. You won’t just be a number. Their medical team will not only take time with you and listen to your concerns, but also work with you to help get them resolved. The whole office is incredibly compassionate, kind and caring. I highly recommend them…and they work with most every insurance company.

Want insurance coverage for nutrition guidance? The office offers appointments with me to their established patients.

The Gift of “New and Fresh”:  Sometimes you need to break routine and step into something new. It’s different. It’s uncomfortable (usually). It’s unknown. But, you just might end up with something new you absolutely love. Also, if we’re not careful, the routine can become monotonous and lull us to sleep, so that we miss the opportunities and possibilities in front of us. Sometimes just a slight change can be as simple as driving a different route or switching around your schedule to give you fresh eyes and a renewed perspective to look at and love life in a whole new light. What’s more?! Life’s too short to spend in a job that doesn’t fit you. Finding your passions and strengths and directing your efforts and attention in that area is worth the effort and is so much more fulfilling. (Think, “they actually pay me to do this!”)

How can you break your routine to find a renewed perspective today?

2-      Building memories and relationships (family time)

I’ve loved spending some extra quality time with my incredible family! We had the privilege of a wonderful weekend reunion with one side of the family in beautiful Northern Arizona and then welcoming a new family member on the other side in a lovely Colorado June Wedding. This summer brought some sweet memories and times of seeing many dear ones that I haven’t seen in years.

Besides special occasions and travel, nothing brings everyone closer than a DIY House Remodeling Project. Ha! We’re talking Entirely. Stripped. Down. It tests your patience, stretches your endurance, makes hilarious moments…and finally, brings beautiful results! After a very long time, things are coming into order and looking amazing. It’s been a most rewarding project, and I’ve learned SO much about life through this process (more on this to come), and I’ve discovered some new hobbies and interests I’ll get to enjoy for a lifetime. I might even consider flipping houses in the future?? 😊

The Gift of Family: Enjoy the time you have with family. Make memories. Plan special moments. Laugh together. Play. Do life’s “dailies” and even special projects together. Switch up the routine to make opportunities and invest in spending time. It’s worth it and the memories and life-enrichment are priceless. And yes, families aren’t perfect and for many, “family” can be quite a painful subject. But let me encourage you, make the investment in having the difficult conversations to overcome obstacles (It just might turn out better than you think!) And, when family is far away (in location or heart connection), invest in those dear ones around you who have become your “family.” Family can be defined in more ways than just by blood. Connections and relationships help us thrive…physically, emotionally and spiritually.

How can you make a special memory today, by taking time to focus on your significant relationships?

3-      Resting and Relaxing, intentionally!

I’ve been known to speed and press through life. I love being active and productive. If I see a vision for the future, I’m ready to experience it…now. Before, I would usually make that happen at any cost. But, this summer, I consciously chose to slow down, take a slower pace, rest, relax, finish some personal projects (including remodeling) and also be refreshed, especially after taking on an emotionally and spiritually challenging job. I’m hooked. It’s been amazing to live and appreciate the benefits of rest, enjoy the moment … and also to get reorganized and dream on the new ideas that are just ahead. I’m just returning from my first trip to Hawaii. What an amazing time of refreshing…and experiencing such beauty. Beauty heals. More on that soon too.

I’m becoming more and more convinced our fast-paced lives and cultural pressures and “norms” are becoming major hinderances to our health and keeping us from really enjoying life. Again, more on this topic coming soon.

The Gift of Refreshing:  Rest. Relax. Recharge. Be restored. It’s essential for not only enjoying everyday life but also for experiencing health. For some of us (Type A’s) this can require real effort, learning to say “No” to actually make this happen and ending the “people pleasing” cycles. It lets us become who we really are, letting go of the things that are no longer serving us, and being OK with just being still, being quiet, and “un-productive.” It’s a mindset shift to be ok with knowing physically, our bodies needs rest; emotionally, we must recharge, and that we can be sharper and more productive after we’ve had extended rest periods; and spiritually, we can be much more receptive when we clear out the “clutter” in our hearts. Then, we can be refreshed as our beliefs and priorities align and come into order.

In what area(s) do you need to pull back and get refreshed – physically, emotionally, spiritually? What one thing will you do today to get that rest? How about during this holiday season?

As the holidays are quickly approaching, it isn’t too late to make this your most memorable season. Take these gifts and “unwrap” them…then share them with those around you:

  • Start planning now how you can make special moments with those you love.
  • Make a special effort to let those dear ones know just how special they are and how much you appreciate them.
  • Decide now that this will be a refreshing holiday season.
  • Choose to cut out those activities that aren’t essential that simply zap your time and energy.
  • Determine what’s really most important to you, so this season may be one of reflection, rest and refreshment.

Finally, I challenge you…where can you break routine and get some fresh perspective to more fully enjoy your amazing life? How can you finish 2018 strong, making the most of your time, yet so you’ll be ready for your best 2019 ahead?!


Need some fresh, innocent and delicious Christmas brunch ideas? Here are two of my favorites:


gluten free, sugar free
gluten free, sugar free